While many domesticated cats prefer to stay indoors, there are still quite a few adventurous felines who enjoy getting out into nature. These cats can prowl around the neighbor, chase after mice, and still find their way back home on a daily basis. However, despite the fact that cats are agile predators, there are still many threats that they face in nature. If your cat is curious enough to venture outside regularly, there are some steps which you should take in order to ensure their safety.
Vaccinations and Medications
Every cat, whether indoor or outdoor, should be thoroughly vaccinated for their own safety. However, vaccination is even more important for outdoor cats, as they are exposed to far more threats and diseases. You have control over what your cat can do in your home, but you can’t predict what he’ll run into when he ventures outside. Rodents, fleas, ticks, and even garbage can carry diseases that can make your cat sick. Check in with your vet regularly and stay updated on all of your cat’s vaccinations. Requesting additional medications, such as flea and tick control, is also a great idea.
Microchip and Collar
Although cats are crafty creatures that can usually find their way home, there is still a chance that they could get lost or even mistaken as a stray and taken to the pound. Having proper identification for your cat is vital if you are going to let him roam around in the great outdoors. You should also get your cat microchipped as soon as possible; doing so allows shelters to identify him if he ever gets lost or picked up by somebody else.
A comfortable, well-fitting collar is also something you should always have on your cat. It should be adorned with a tag that has your cat’s name, home address, and your phone number on it. The tag will allow someone to call you and help you locate your cat if he gets lost. Adding bells to the collar also allows you to hear your cat roaming around.
Spay or Neuter Your Cat
Overpopulation in the feline world is a problem that often leads to neglect, malnourishment, and the euthanization of many kittens. Spaying or neutering your cat can help prevent the birth of more unwanted kittens, as well as make sure that your female cat doesn’t become pregnant. It also has been proven to curb aggressive behavior, especially in male cats, which helps to reduce the likelihood that your cat will get into a fight with another animal.
Although cats are generally independent animals, we can condition them to respond to certain triggers and rewards. Keep a meal routine and feed your cat at the same time every day, so that he knows to come home at certain times for meals. Cats have an impressively accurate internal clock, so they’ll understand when feeding time is near while they are out exploring. You can also train your cat to come to you at your command by rewarding him with food. Doing so will help him to know when it is time to come home safe and sound.
Sun Surf Veterinary Hospital will ensure that your cat is up to date on all of his/her vaccinations and medications. We are happy to help make sure that your cat can roam safely. Schedule an appointment today!